Wayfinding for a College Department

Wayfinding for a College Department

The ACU Art & Design Department is housed in the Don H. Morris Center. Students taking Information Graphics in fall 2015 were tasked with designing a map of the department to assist students, faculty, staff and visitors with wayfinding around the department.

Three-floored map with color-coded floors and a key grouping rooms in Classrooms, Offices, and Resources.
A three-floored view of the Art & Design Department would hang outside of the Administrative office, a high-traffic area and central point for new students.
Map of the Don Morris Center second floor.
Each floor would have its own map to hang next to elevators.
Close-up on the first floor of the Don Morris Center, showing icons labeling rooms and exits.
Iconography indicates fire exits, elevators, bathrooms, and vending machines.
Close-up on the Classroom labels on the Don Morris map.
Each floor of the map is color-coded, with room numbers matching their floor's color.